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In our work, we often run into interesting learnings, views or topics. Some of them we translate into a Blog. You are welcome to browse below to read our latest posts
Virtual team coaching at times of Covid-19. How real can we make it?
One of the upsides during this pandemic crisis has been that it forced all of us to be creative and solution focused. As in the past weeks everything turned...
Are you in or out? And the seduction of office politics.
‘There are no longer winners and losers; only people that are in and people that are out’ claims Francis Underwood, the fictional US President of the House of Cards...
Vertigo on the pedestal: Leaders stuck between being heroes and anti-heroes.
Have you ever found yourself appointed to an unrealistic assignment, expected to carry it out as a leader, without the organization being geared-up for success? Very often leaders recognise...

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